What is BrowZine?
In the print journal era, many students and faculty members enjoyed browsing Rowland Medical Library’s current journal shelves and reading the table of contents of their favorite journals. Browsing the table of contents can be cumbersome due to the number of online publishing platforms. BrowZine solves this problem with one user-friendly interface designed to make monitoring and reading journal articles easier.
With BrowZine, users can:
- Find journal titles of interest by subject or specific title
- Organize favorite titles using MyBookshelf
- Sort titles by journal rank or alphabetically
- Monitor read/unread articles with the tracking feature
- Access articles from desktop or personal device
- Users can create a personal account to manage their favorite titles
It is worth noting that BrowZine is a tool for current awareness and browsing; it is not intended for focused research.
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For instructions on downloading BrowZine’s mobile app, visit https://umc.libguides.com/mobileapps.