What is the loan period for books?
May be checked out for three weeks and renewed one time for an additional two weeks. Materials that have been requested by other patrons may not be renewed.
Bound Journals:
May be checked out for three days and renewed one time, for an additional three days.
Unbound Journals:
Do not circulate, but may be checked out to Medical Photography when high-quality photographs and slides are necessary. An appointment should be made with Medical Photography or Medical Illustration before the issue is checked out because the library limits the checkout time.
Leisure Reading Books:
Circulate for three weeks with renewals for one week. A maximum of five leisure-reading items may be checked out on an account.
Reserve Materials:
May be checked out for two hours for use within the library and renewed for an additional two hour period if a hold has not been placed on the item. Three items may be checked out at a time