I'm in AccessMedicine but can't see all the content. What's going on?

I'm trying to use an AccessMedicine ebook that contains a quiz. How do I find the questions and answers that are part of this ebook title?


McGraw-Hill requires users to register within AccessMedicine to create a personal username and password to unlock premium features.  This is a quick and free process for UMMC affiliates. Once registered, the personal account works on all McGraw-Hill's AccessMedical products, including Case Files Collection.

Instructions for creating a personal profile for AccessMedicine:

1. From Rowland Medical Library’s website, choose the Database icon which connects to the A to Z Databases list 

2. Choose AccessMedicine from the list

3. Choose “My Profile” from the upper right corner

4. Choose “Sign in or Create a Free Access Profile”

5. Choose Create a Free Access Profile

6. Complete form

7. Once you have a personal account, you will be able to access the questions and answers in featured ebooks on the AccessMedicine platform.


  • Last Updated Nov 08, 2023
  • Views 78
  • Answered By Sarah Adcock

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