What is the difference between PubMed and CINAHL?

PubMed and CINAHL both index sources in the health sciences; however, there are some distinguishing characteristics among the two that would make one preferable to the other when conducting a search. 

The primary difference is that CINAHL indexes journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, consumer health materials, and conference papers whereas PubMed primarily indexes journal articles and book chapters.

The second greatest distinction among the two is that PubMed's scope covers biomedical science while CINAHL's scope is more concentrated on nursing science, paramedical science, behavioral science, and education. 

When to use CINAHL: when you are researching topics specifically related to nursing, allied health, or information for family members/caregivers

When to use PubMed: when your topic would be considered to fall in the realm of general healthcare


  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2024
  • Views 336
  • Answered By John Sanders

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