What is JOVE Unlimited?
Through Rowland Medical Library, UMMC faculty and students can now access JoVE Unlimited. JoVE Unlimited contains over 19,000 STEM videos, including coverage of the foundational sciences, clinical medicine, and laboratory methods.
JoVE (Journal of Visual Experiments) began as a resource to supplement traditional instruction of experimental techniques with video demonstrations. JoVE has expanded its scope to include instructional videos for teaching and learning in STEM fields, a visual encyclopedia for experiments, and a visual journal. JoVE Journal remains the only peer-reviewed scientific video journal, publishing more than 100 new videos each month, and it is indexed in PubMed and Web of Science.
JoVE videos support deep learning of complex subjects by providing content for blended learning and flipped classroom teaching practices. Teaching faculty will find the Faculty Resource Center section especially useful. This section maps instructional videos to courses and textbook titles.
Select JoVE Unlimited from Rowland Medical Library’s A-Z Databases to access. Within JoVE, users have the option to register for a free JoVE account to personalize their experience within the resource.
Teaching faculty and course designers wishing to embed JOVE videos into their Canvas Course, should see:
How can I link directly from my Canvas course to Rowland Medical Library e-resources?