Why register a systemic review protocol?


•Creating and registering a protocol is a way to tell the world you intend to do a systematic review on a particular topic
•Researchers can "stake a claim” on the review question
•Many publishers require protocol registration
•Before starting a systematic review, protocols can be searched to determine if a protocol on the same research question has already been registered
Systematic Review Protocols:
  • a good systematic review can start with a protocol - it can serve as a road map for your review
  • a protocol specifies the objectives, methods, and outcomes of the primary interest of the systematic review
  • a protocol promotes transparency of methods
  • allows your peers to review how you will extract information to quantitatively summarize your outcome data
About Systematic Review Protocol Registries
  • Various protocol registries exist
  • Anyone can register their protocol
  • Registering your protocol is helpful to establish that your group is doing this review
  • Registering increases potential communication with interested researchers
  • Registering may reduce the risk of multiple reviews addressing the same question
  • Registering may provide greater transparency when updating a systematic review


Source: National Institutes of Health Library, NIH Library: https://www.nihlibrary.nih.gov/services/systematic-review-service/systematic-review-protocols-and-protocol-registries

  • Last Updated Apr 18, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Sarah Adcock

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